Version 2 2023-06-12, 08:41Version 2 2023-06-12, 08:41
Version 1 2023-06-09, 06:20Version 1 2023-06-09, 06:20
conference contribution
posted on 2023-06-12, 08:41authored byCarlos Argáez, Peter GieslPeter Giesl, Sigurdur Hafstein
Ordinary differential equations arise in a variety of applications, including e.g. climate systems, and can exhibit complicated dynamical behaviour. Complete Lyapunov functions can capture this behaviour by dividing the phase space into the chain-recurrent set, determining the long-time behaviour, and the transient part, where solutions pass through. In this paper, we present an algorithm to construct complete Lyapunov functions. It is based on mesh-free numerical approximation and uses the failure of convergence in certain areas to determine the chain-recurrent set. The algorithm is applied to three examples and is able to determine attractors and repellers, including periodic orbits and homoclinic orbits.
Lyapunov Methods and Stochastic Stability; ICELANDIC RESEARCH FUND; 152429-051
Publication status
File Version
Published version
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2017, Madrid, Spain