In this paper we, as part of the Sussex-Huawei Locomotion-Transportation (SHL) Recognition Challenge organizing team, present reference recognition performance obtained by applying various classical and deep-learning classifiers to the testing dataset. We aim to recognize eight modes of transportation (Still, Walk, Run, Bike, Bus, Car, Train, Subway) from smartphone inertial sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. The classical classifiers include naive Bayesian, decision tree, random forest, K-nearest neighbour and support vector machine, while the deep-learning classifiers include fully-connected and convolutional deep neural networks. We feed different types of input to the classifier, including hand-crafted features, raw sensor data in the time domain, and in the frequency domain. We employ a post-processing scheme to improve the recognition performance. Results show that convolutional neural network operating on frequency domain raw data achieves the best performance among all the classifiers.
Activity Sensing Technologies for Mobile Users; G2015; Huawei
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Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers