posted on 2023-06-09, 01:56authored byCharles Templeman, Francisco Javier Ordóñez, Andrew Symes, Daniel RoggenDaniel Roggen
We present a way to annotate cystoscopy finding on Google Glass in a reproducible and hands free manner for use by surgeons during operations in the sterile environment inspired by the current practice of hand-drawn sketches. We developed three data entry variants based on speech and head movements. We assessed the feasibility, benefits and drawbacks of the system with 8 surgeons and Foundation Doctors having up to 30 years' cystoscopy experience at a UK hospital in laboratory trials. We report data entry speed and error rate of input modalities and contrast it with the participants' feedback on their perception of usability, acceptance, and suitability for deployment. The results are supportive of new data entry technologies and point out directions for future improvement of eyewear computers. The findings can be generalised to other endoscopic procedures (e.g. OGD/laryngoscopy) and could be included within hospital IT in the future.
MinIAttention: Attention Management in Minimal Invasive Surgery; G1830; BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUR VERKEHR, INNOVATION UND TECHNOLOGIE; 5766494
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Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing