We present a novel unsupervised approach, UnADevs, for discovering activity clusters corresponding to periodic and stationary activities in streaming sensor data. Such activities usually last for some time, which is exploited by our method; it includes mechanisms to regulate sensitivity to brief outliers and can discover multiple clusters overlapping in time to better deal with deviations from nominal behaviour. The method was evaluated on two activity datasets containing large number of activities (14 and 33 respectively) against online agglomerative clustering and DBSCAN. In a multi-criteria evaluation, our approach achieved significantly better performance on majority of the measures, with the advantages that: (i) it does not require to specify the number of clusters beforehand (it is open ended); (ii) it is online and can find clusters in real time; (iii) it has constant time complexity; (iv) and it is memory efficient as it does not keep the data samples in memory. Overall, it has managed to discover 616 of the total 717 activities. Because it discovers clusters of activities in real time, it is ideal to work alongside an active learning system.
Lifelearn: Unbounded activity and context awareness; G1786; EPSRC-ENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL; EP/N007816/1