posted on 2023-06-09, 03:29authored byUxoa Iñurrieta, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Gorka Labaka, Kepa Sarasola, Itziar Aduriz, John Carroll
We present a linguistic analysis of a set of English and Spanish verb+noun combinations (VNCs), and a method to use this information to improve VNC identification. Firstly, a sample of frequent VNCs are analysed in-depth and tagged along lexico-semantic and morphosyntactic dimensions, obtaining satisfactory inter-annotator agreement scores. Then, a VNC identification experiment is undertaken, where the analysed linguistic data is combined with chunking information and syntactic dependencies. A comparison between the results of the experiment and the results obtained by a basic detection method shows that VNC identification can be greatly improved by using linguistic information, as a large number of additional occurrences are detected with high precision.
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Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers
International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)