University of Sussex

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Calcium Data for paper Reward modulates visual responses in the superficial superior colliculus of mice

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posted on 2022-12-15, 15:00 authored by Liad BaruchinLiad Baruchin, Sylvia SchroederSylvia Schroeder, Matteo Alleman


Calcium imaging data used in the paper :  Reward modulates visual responses in the superficial superior colliculus of mice

The file contains a description of the data and NPY files arranged by animal and session. The files can be opened using Matlab or Python.

Further data from this publication is linked below.

The file includes pre-processed data, and the code used to analyse this pre-processed data is available at GitHub (linked below)

Paper abstract

The  superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) are highly visual  and receive direct input from the retina. Nonetheless, neural activity  in the superficial SC (sSC) is modulated by locomotion and pupil-linked  arousal. Here we show that visual responses of neurons in the sSC are  additionally modulated by reward delivered prior to the visual stimulus.  We trained mice to perform a visual detection task and recorded the  activity of neurons in the SC using two-photon calcium imaging and  electrophysiological recordings using high-density silicone probes  (Neuropixels). Neurons across all layers of the SC responded to various  task events, including reward delivery. However, responses to events  like licking or movements did not explain the visual response modulation  by reward. Electrophysiological recordings showed that most of the  reward modulation occurred in the superficial rather than the deeper  layers of the SC. Neurons also exhibited modulation by pupil-linked  arousal, which was independent of the reward modulation. Performance of a  population decoder to detect visual stimuli improved significantly by  reward modulation but not by pupil-linked arousal modulation. Our  results indicate that behavioural factors other than locomotion and  arousal modulate visual activity in the SC.


People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA Grant Agreement No 62387

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