University of Sussex
12 files

Supporting Data for Gradual Not Sudden Change: Multiple Sites of Functional Transition Across the Microvascular Bed

posted on 2022-01-12, 10:23 authored by Kira ShawKira Shaw, Katie Boyd, Silvia Anderle, Matthew Hammond-Haley, Davina Amin, Orla Bonnar, Catherine HallCatherine Hall
The data provided was used to generate the figures in Shaw et al (2022); Gradual Not Sudden Change: Multiple Sites of Functional Transition Across the Microvascular Bed, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Full details of how the data was generated and processed is provided in that paper.

The ReadMe file attached to this record gives details on the data including measurements and column headings.

A single Excel spreadsheet containing all the data points used for graphs in Figures 4-9 and Supplementary Figures 3-6 as individual work sheets (uploaded as .xlsx), and individual .csv files containing all the data points used for graphs in Figures 4-9 and Supplementary Figures 2-6 (for non-proprietary format).

In understanding the role of the neurovascular unit as both a biomarker and target for disease interventions, it is vital to appreciate how the function of different components of this unit change along the vascular tree. The cells of the neurovascular unit together perform an array of vital functions, protecting the brain from circulating toxins and infection, while providing nutrients and clearing away waste products. To do so, the brain’s microvasculature dilates to direct energy substrates to active neurons, regulates access to circulating immune cells, and promotes angiogenesis in response to decreased blood supply, as well as pulsating to help clear waste products and maintain the oxygen supply. Different parts of the cerebrovascular tree contribute differently to various aspects of these functions, and previously, it has been assumed that there are discrete types of vessel along the vascular network that mediate different functions. Another option, however, is that the multiple transitions in function that occur across the vascular network do so at many locations, such that vascular function changes gradually, rather than in sharp steps between clearly distinct vessel types. Here, by reference to new data as well as by reviewing historical and recent literature, we argue that this latter scenario is likely the case and that vascular function gradually changes across the network without clear transition points between arteriole, precapillary arteriole and capillary. This is because classically localised functions are in fact performed by wide swathes of the vasculature, and different functional markers start and stop being expressed at different points along the vascular tree. Furthermore, vascular branch points show alterations in their mural cell morphology that suggest functional specialisations irrespective of their position within the network. Together this work emphasises the need for studies to consider where transitions of different functions occur, and the importance of defining these locations, in order to better understand the vascular network and how to target it to treat disease.


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