Characterization of a radiation detector based on opaque water-based liquid scintillator
We present the characterization of a novel radiation detector based on an opaque water-based liquid scintillator. Opaque scintillators, also known as LiquidO, are made to be highly scattering, such that the scintillation light is effectively confined, and read out through wavelength-shifting fibers. The 1-liter, 32-channel prototype demonstrates the capability for both spectroscopy and topological reconstruction of point-like events. The design, construction, and evaluation of the detector are described, including modeling of the scintillation liquid optical properties and the detector’s response to gamma rays of several energies. A mean position reconstruction error of 4.4 mm for 1.6 MeV-equivalent events and 7.4 mm for 0.8 MeV-equivalent events is demonstrated using a simple reconstruction approach analogous to center-of-mass.
Publication status
- Published
File Version
- Accepted version
Physical Review LettersISSN
American Physical SocietyPublisher URL
External DOI
Article number
170075Department affiliated with
- Physics and Astronomy Publications
University of SussexFull text available
- Yes
Peer reviewed?
- Yes