This paper explores the classification of parameter spaces for reaction-diffusion systems of two chemical species on stationary rectangular domains. The dynamics of the system are explored both in the absence and presence of diffusion. The parameter space is fully classified in terms of the types and stability of the uniform steady state. In the absence of diffusion the results on the classification of parameter space are supported by simulations of the corresponding vector-field and some trajectories of the phase-plane around the uniform steady state. In the presence of diffusion, the main findings are the quantitative analysis relating the domain-size with the reaction and diffusion rates and their corresponding influence on the dynamics of the reaction-diffusion system when perturbed in the neighbourhood of the uniform steady state. Theoretical predictions are supported by numerical simulations both in the presence as well as in the absence of diffusion. Conditions on the domain size with respect to the diffusion and reaction rates are related to the types of diffusion-driven instabilities namely Turing, Hopf and Transcritical types of bifurcations. The first condition is a lower bound on the area of a rectangular domain in terms of the diffusion and reaction rates, which is necessary for Hopf and Transcritical bifurcation to occur. The second condition is an upper bound on the area of domain in terms of reaction-diffusion rates that restricts the diffusion-driven instability to Turing type behaviour, whilst forbidding the existence of Hopf and Transcritical bifurcation. Theoretical findings are verified by the finite element solution of the coupled system on a two dimensional rectangular domain.
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