This work presents a general principle, in the spirit of convex integration, leading to a method for the characterization of Young measures generated by gradients of maps in W^{1,p} with p less than the space dimension, whose Jacobian determinant is subjected to a range of constraints. Two special cases are particularly important in the theories of elasticity and fluid dynamics: when (a) the generating gradients have positive Jacobians that are uniformly bounded away from zero and (b) the underlying deformations are incompressible, corresponding to their Jacobian determinants being constantly one. This characterization result, along with its various corollaries, underlines the flexibility of the Jacobian determinant in subcritical Sobolev spaces and gives a more systematic and general perspective on previously known pathologies of the pointwise Jacobian. Finally, we show that, for p less than the dimension, W^{1,p}-quasiconvexity and W^{1,p}-orientation-preserving quasiconvexity are both unsuitable convexity conditions for nonlinear elasticity where the energy is assumed to blow up as the Jacobian approaches zero.