posted on 2023-06-08, 07:35authored byPhilip Harris, J M Pendlebury
It has been shown in an earlier publication [ J. Pendlebury et al. Phys. Rev. A 70 032102 (2004)] that magnetic-field gradients applied to particles in traps can induce Larmor frequency shifts that may falsely be interpreted as electric-dipole moment signals. This study has now been extended to include nonuniform magnetic-field gradients due to the presence of a local magnetic dipole. It is found that, in the high orbit-frequency regime, .the magnitude of the shifts can be enhanced beyond the simple expectation of proportionality to the volume-averaged magnetic-field gradient ??Bz/?z?.
Further to our earlier work on geometric-phase induced false EDMs, I developed the detailed simulations that uncovered this small additional effect. Pendlebury did some analytic work to back it up. I wrote the paper.