In this work an activator-depleted reaction-diffusion system is investigated on polar coordinates with the aim of exploring the relationship and the corresponding influence of domain size on the types of possible diffusion-driven instabilities. Quantitative relationships are found in the form of necessary conditions on the area of a disk-shape domain with respect to the diffusion and reaction rates for certain types of diffusion-driven instabilities to occur. Robust analytical methods are applied to find explicit expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the diffusion operator on a disk-shape domain with homogenous Neumann boundary conditions in polar coordinates. Spectral methods are applied using chebyshev non-periodic grid for the radial variable and Fourier periodic grid on the angular variable to verify the nodal lines and eigensurfaces subject to the proposed analytical findings. The full classification of the parameter space in light of the bifurcation analysis is obtained and numerically verified by finding the solutions of the partitioning curves inducing such a classification. Spatio-temporal periodic behaviour is demonstrated in the numerical solutions of the system for a proposed choice of parameters and a rigorous proof of the existence of infinitely many such points in the parameter plane is presented under a restriction on the area of the domain, with a lower bound in terms of reaction-diffusion rates.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Spatial Patterning on Evolving Surfaces; G0872; EPSRC-ENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL; EP/J016780/1
New predictive mathematical and computational models in experimental sciences; G1949; ROYAL SOCIETY; WM160017
Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell migration; G1438; LEVERHULME TRUST; RPG-2014-149
InCeM: Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility; G1546; EUROPEAN UNION; 642866 - InCeM