posted on 2023-06-09, 00:22authored byKathy Monks, Edel Conway, Na Fu, Katie Bailey, Grainne Kelly, Enda Hannon
Knowledge-intensive firms (KIFs) need to encourage their employees to engage in knowledge exchange and combination (KEC) so as to create the new knowledge that is core to their success. Human resource management (HRM) has the potential to play a key role in encouraging KEC but relatively little is known about the microprocesses through which HRM and KEC are linked. Based on a sample of 498 knowledge workers in 14 KIFs in the pharmaceutical and ICT sectors in Ireland and the UK, this study focuses on the knowledge workers themselves and their perceptions of how HR practices influence KEC. In so doing, we drill down into the micro-foundations of the proposed linkages between HRM and knowledge creation, proffering reflexivity as a translation process in understanding these linkages.
Bilateral Ireland: Knowledge-intensive Firms in the UK and Ireland: Influences, Strategies and Skills; ESRC; RES-062-23-1183