Extra dimensions have interesting consequences for flavor physics. We consider a setup where the standard model fermions and gauge fields reside in the bulk of a warped extra dimension. Fermion masses and mixings are explained by flavor dependent fermion locations, without relying on hierarchical Yukawa couplings. We discuss various flavor violating processes induced by (Kaluza–Klein) gauge boson exchange and non-renormalizable operators. Experimental constraints are satisfied with a Kaluza–Klein scale of about 10 TeV. Some processes, such as muon–electron conversion, are within reach of next generation experiments.
The paper demonstrates that warped geometry automatically suppresses flavor violation from Kaluza-Klein gauge boson exchange. This is a key ingredient to make warped versions of the standard model experimentally viable. Via dualities this might help to construct 4-dimensional models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. It has over 50 citations.