Interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects with the ARES method
We present a new semi-numerical method to compute leading hadronisation corrections to two-jet event shapes in e+e− annihilation. The formalism we present utilises the dispersive approach, where the magnitude of power corrections is controlled by suitable moments of an effective strong coupling, but it can be adapted to other methods. We focus on observables where the interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects is crucial in determining the power corrections. A naive treatment of power corrections for some of these observables gives rise to an unphysical behaviour in the corresponding distributions for moderate observable values, thus considerably limiting the available range to fit the non-perturbative moments. We present a universal treatment to handle such observables, based on a suitable subtraction procedure, and compare our results to the analytic result in the case of total broadening. Finally, for the first time we present predictions for the thrust major, which cannot be handled with analytic methods.
South-Eastern Particle Theory Alliance Sussex - RHUL - UCL 2020-2023 - Sussex node : STFC-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL | ST/T00102X/1
Publication status
- Published
File Version
- Published version
The Journal of High Energy PhysicsISSN
SpringerOpenPublisher URL
External DOI
2023Article number
221Department affiliated with
- Physics and Astronomy Publications
Research groups affiliated with
- Theoretical Particle Physics Research Group Publications
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- Yes