We present a computational framework for isolating spatial patterns arising in the steady states of reaction-diffusion systems. Such systems have been used to model many natural phenomena in areas such as developmental and cancer biology, cell motility and material science. In many of these applications, often one is interested in identifying parameters which will lead to a particular pattern for a given reaction-diffusion model. To attempt to answer this, we compute eigenpairs of the Laplacian on a variety of do- mains and use linear stability analysis to determine parameter values for the system that will lead to spatially inhomogeneous steady states whose patterns correspond to particular eigenfunctions. This method has previously been used on domains and surfaces where the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are found analytically in closed form. Our contribution to this methodology is that we numerically compute eigenpairs on arbitrary domains and surfaces. Here we present examples and demonstrate that mode isolation is straightforward especially for low eigenvalues. Additionally we see that the inhomogeneous steady state can be a linear combination of eigenfunctions. Finally we show an example suggesting that pattern formation is robust on similar surfaces in cases that the surface either has or does not have a boundary.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Spatial Patterning on Evolving Surfaces; G0872; EPSRC-ENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL; EP/J016780/1
InCeM: Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility; G1546; EUROPEAN UNION; 642866 - InCeM
Unravelling new mathematics for 3D cell migration; G1438; LEVERHULME TRUST; RPG-2014-149
New predictive mathematical and computational models in experimental sciences; G1949; ROYAL SOCIETY; WM160017