posted on 2023-06-09, 07:25authored byCroon Croon, Veronica Sanz, Ewan R M Tarrant
The flatness of the inflaton potential and lightness of the Higgs boson could have the common origin of the breaking of a global symmetry. This scenario provides a unified framework of Goldstone inflation and composite Higgs models, where the inflaton and the Higgs particle both have a pseudo-Goldstone boson nature. The inflaton reheats the Universe via decays to the Higgs and subsequent secondzary production of other SM particles via the top and massive vector bosons. We find that inflationary predictions and perturbative reheating conditions are consistent with cosmic microwave background data for sub-Planckian values of the fields, as well as opening up the possibility of inflation at the TeV scale. We explore this exciting possibility, leading to an interplay between collider data cosmological constraints.
Theoretical Particle Physics Consortium Sussex - Royal Holloway; G1449; STFC-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES COUNCIL; ST/L000504/1