posted on 2023-06-09, 02:05authored byNobuo Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Nishio, Daniel RoggenDaniel Roggen, Sozo Inoue, Susanna Pirttikangas, Kristof Van Laerhoven
Current motion sensors in wearable devices are primarily used for simple orientation and motion sensing. They provide however signals related to more complex and subtle human behaviours which will enable next-generation human-oriented computing in scenarios of high societal value. This requires large scale human activity corpuses and improved methods to recognise activities and their context. This workshop deals with the challenges of designing reproducible experimental setups, running large-scale dataset collection campaigns, designing robust activity and context recognition methods and evaluating systems in the real world. As a special topic, we wish to reflect on the challenges and approaches to recognise activities outside of a pre-defined set to achieve an open-ended activity and context awareness. Following the success of previous years, this workshop is the place to share experiences on human activity corpus and their applications and to discuss the future of activity sensing, in particular towards open-ended contextual intelligence.
Lifelearn: Unbounded activity and context awareness; G1786; EPSRC-ENGINEERING & PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL; EP/N007816/1