We obtain slightly improved upper bounds on efficient approximability of the MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT SET problem in graphs of maximum degree at most B (shortly, B-MAXIS), for small B > 3. The degree-three case plays a role of the central problem, as many of the results for the other problems use reductions to it. Our careful analysis of approximation algorithms of Berman and Fujito for 3-MAXIS shows that one can achieve approximation ratio arbitrarily close to 3 - root13/2. Improvements of an approximation ratio below for this case trans late to improvements below B+3/5 of approximation factors for B-MAXIS for all odd B. Consequently, for any odd B greater than or equal to 3, polynomial time algorithms for B-MAXIS exist with approximation ratios arbitrarily close to B+3/5 - 4(5root13-18)/5 (B-2)!!/(B-2)!!. This is currently the best upper bound for B-MAXIS for any odd B, 3 less than or equal to B < 613.