posted on 2023-06-08, 23:54authored byGillian Symon, Petros Chamakiotis, Rebecca Whiting, Helen Roby, Jon Whittle, Ming Ki Chong, Chee Siang Ang, Umar Rashid
In this paper, we present initial findings from an EPSRC-sponsored multi-disciplinary research project investigating how digital technologies and social media affect role transitions across work-life domains. The research uses an innovative combination of visual diaries and narrative interviews to capture micro-transitions (‘switches’) and explore these with participants in the context of their overall lives. Findings from a pilot study with academics are reported here in terms of: emergent digital boundary management strategies; triggers for rapid switching and the effects of this; and the function of meta roles and multi-role cognitions. The research contributes to current thinking in work-life literature in terms of devising innovative methods, focusing on the micro- transitional and in considering the role of the digital and social media in boundary management.
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Institute of Work Psychology International Conference (IWP)