In this thesis, a software framework called Data Quality Monitoring for High Energy Physics (DQM4hep) is presented, intended as a generic and adaptable online monitoring and data quality monitoring framework for high-energy physics experiments and testbeams. The framework and its development and deployment is discussed, using a number of testbeams as examples. The first group of these testbeams took place within the AIDA-2020 and CALICE collaborations, using the framework on the CALICE-AHCAL prototype. Following this, the framework was also used in the IDEA combined testbeam at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. The result of these testbeams was proof that the framework is capable of being adapted easily to a wide variety of detector types and experiments, demonstrating that it has fulfilled the requirements of the AIDA-2020 collaboration. Following this, it was also shown that DQM4hep can be used for online analysis of the IDEA testbeam, performing a similar role to more traditional o ine analysis using ROOT. Also presented is a physics analysis as part of the detector and physics for the Compact Linear Collider collaboration (CLIDdp). The analysis was performed using the hadronic decay channel of the e+e- ? tth process at a centre-of-mass energy of 1.4 TeV. The goal of this analysis was to obtain an updated sensitivity on the measurement of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling at the planned Compact Linear Collider. The analysis used Monte Carlo generated physics samples and several stages of modern processing, including Pandora Particle Flow Algorithms. Combined with a similar study of the semi-leptonic decay channel, the uncertainty of the coupling measurement was found to be 3.86%.