Mick Frogley
Professor of Quaternary Research (Earth sciences; History, heritage and archaeology)
Brighton, UK
- Fossil ostracods, faunistics and the evolution of regional biodiversity
- The environmental history of the Cuzco region
- A faunistic review of the modern and fossil molluscan fauna from Lake Pamvotis, Ioannina, an ancient lake in NW Greece: implications for endemism in the Balkans
- Geochemical and stratigraphic indicators of late Holocene coastal evolution in the Gythio area, southern Peloponnese, Greece
- Modern and fossil ostracods from ancient lakes
- El impacto humano y la historia del medio ambiente en la région del Cuzco
- Limnetic and terrestrial responses to climate change during the onset of the penultimate glacial stage in NW Greece
- Documents, Reanalysis, and Global Circulation Models: A New Method for Reconstructing Historical Climate Focusing on Present-day Inland Tanzania, 1856–1890
- A review of the aquatic mollusca from Lake Pamvotis, Ioannina, an ancient lake in NW Greece
- A revised chronological and palaeoenvironmental framework for the Kastritsa rockshelter, northwest Greece
- Putting the rise of the Inca Empire within a climatic and land management context
- Response to Comment on "Buffered Tree Population Changes in a Quaternary Refugium: Evolutionary Implications"
- Fossil ostracods, faunistics and the evolution of regional biodiversity
- A faunistic review of the modern and fossil molluscan fauna from Lake Pamvotis, Ioannina, an ancient Lake in NW Greece: Implications for endemism in the Balkans
- Persistent millennial-scale climate variability in Southern Europe during Marine Isotope Stage 6
- Comparison of Sporormiella dung fungal spores and oribatid mites as indicators of large herbivore presence: evidence from the Cuzco region of Peru
- Reconciling diverse lacustrine and terrestrial system response to penultimate deglacial warming in southern Europe
- Modern and fossil ostracods from ancient lakes
- On the origins of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) and a short biography of Professor T. R. Jones
- Ecological thresholds and patterns of millennial-scale climate variability: The response of vegetation in Greece during the last glacial period
- A late Holocene record of arid events from the Cuzco region, Peru
- The uplifted terraces of the arkitsa region, NW Evoikos Gulf, Greece: A result of combined tectonic and volcanic processes?
- Middle and Late Pleistocene environmental history of the Marsworth area, south-central England
- Cosmic rays linked to rapid mid-latitude cloud changes
- Geological and geomorphological evidence of recent coastal uplift along a major Hellenic normal fault system (the Kamena Vourla fault zone, NW Evoikos Gulf, Greece)
- Detrital carbonate influences on bulk oxygen and carbon isotope composition of lacustrine sediments from the Mediterranean
- High and dry in the Andes
- Putting the rise of the Inca Empire within a climatic and land management context
- Stable isotope records of Late Quaternary climate and hydrology from Mediterranean lakes: the ISOMED synthesis
- A revised chronological and palaeoenvironmental framework for the Kastritsa rockshelter, northwest Greece
- Climate variability in northwest Greece during the last interglacial
- Vegetation history of the marine isotope stage 7 interglacial complex at Ioannina, NW Greece
- Diatom response to the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition in the Ioannina basin, northwest Greece: implications for Mediterranean palaeoclimate reconstruction
- Evaluating socio-economic change in the Andes using oribatid mite abundances as indicators of domestic animal densities
- A review of the aquatic mollusca from Lake Pamvotis, Ioannina, an ancient Lake in NW Greece
- Hydrological and land-use changes in the Cuzco region (Cordillera Oriental, South East Peru) during the last 1200 years: A diatom-based reconstruction
- The influence of the Indian Ocean dipole mode on precipitation over the Seychelles
- Vegetation and climate change on the Bolivian Altiplano between 108,000 and 18,000 yr ago
- The Lateglacial and Holocene environmental history of the Ioannina basin, north-west Greece
- Last interglacial conditions in southern Europe: Evidence from Ioannina, northwest Greece
- Buffered tree population changes in a Quaternary refugium: Evolutionary implications
- Duration of last interglacial conditions in northwestern Greece
- Historical biogeography and late Quaternary environmental change of Lake Pamvotis, Ioannina (North-western Greece): Evidence from ostracods
- Documents, reanalysis, and global circulation models: a new method for reconstructing historical climate focusing on present-day inland Tanzania, 1856–1890
- Trees, terraces and llamas: Resilient watershed management and sustainable agriculture the Inca way