Coordinates from ant paths are provided as Matlab files (see Xpos2 and Ypos2 for path coordinates for individual ants). Uploaded paths are not trimmed or smoothed. Trained ants: -Feeder on the right side of the visual cue: Paths are rotated such that the learnt feeder location is at 3 oÕclock and the right edge of the visual cue at 2 oÕclock. -Feeder on the left side of the visual cue: Paths are rotated such that the learnt feeder location is at 3 oÕclock and the left edge of the visual cue at 4 oÕclock. Na•ve ants: Right edge of visual cue is at 2 oÕclock. General file labelling: XXXX: ant name YYY: recording condition (Les: lesion, Con: saline control, LEP: eye capped, Pos: training path, Sel: intact na•ve ant, Nor: handling control) EXP01-XXXXa-032-1YYY4.mat Note: - Ant 25 in na•ve saline control group: 7.5deg needs to be added to heading because of shifted setup.