Variable Description Example id unique participation id (converted from Prolific Academic ID) p002 time point of measurment (before the election; after the election) 1 = before vote participants´ party support (Democratic Party; Republican Party) 1 = Democratic Party unexp likelihood of one´s party electoral victory (1 - 3) or defeat (5 - 7) 0 - 2 assessed at t1, paired with actual election outcome (0 = expected outcome; 1 = unexpected outcome; 2 = the outcome was neither expected nor unexpected cn collective narcissism (higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 7 xeno xenophobia (higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 5 secident secure ingroup identification (higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 7 sd social desirability (for each item 1 - 5 were converted into 0; 6 + 7 into 1, sd = sum of item 1 - 8, higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 8 joy joy at success (higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 7 eff group efficacy (higher value reflects higher expression) 1 - 7 pi pluralistic ignorance, own comfort (pi_own) is compared to perceived comfort in others (pi_ave), higher value reflects higher expression 1 - 7 fc false consensus, own approval (fc_s) is compared to perceived agreement (fc_agr) and disagreement (fc_disagr), higher value reflects higher expression 0 - 100 aware the extent to which participants followed the election, higher value reflects higher expression 1 - 4 sign participants´ intention to sign petition (0 = "no", 1 = "yes") 0, 1 donate the amount participants would donate towards petition, higher value reflect higher expression 0 - 109 share the extent to which participants would publicly share their support for the petition, higher value reflects higher expression 1 - 7 age age of participant 47 ethn ethnicity of participant, 1 = Asian-American, 2 = Black or African American, 3 = Hispanic or Latino American, 4 = Native American, 5 = White or European American, 6 = Other 1 - 6 degree participants´ highest achieved degree, 1 = no degree, 2 = high school, 3 = bachelor´s degree, 4 = master´s degree, 5 = doctoral degree, 6 = professional degree, 7 = other 1 - 7 employ participants´ employment status, 1 = working - paid employee, 2 = working - self employed, 3 = not working - temporary layoff from a job, 4 = not working - looking for a job, 5 = not working - retired, 6 = not working - disabled, 7 = not working - student, 8 = other 1 - 8 income participants´income before taxes p.a., 1 = $0 - $10,000, 2 = $10,000 - $20,000, 3 = $20,000 - $30,000, 4 = $30,000 - $40,000, 5 = $40,000 - $50,000, 6 = over $50,000 1 - 6