The Katrina Sa'ade Project is part of the Planet Bethlehem Digital Archive. The project documents the life of Katrina Sa'ade (1900-1989). Katrina was born in Bethlehem but went on to live in various locations around the world, including: Kiev (Russian Empire), Saltillo (Mexico), Long Beach (US), Hermosillo (Mexico), and Ramallah (Palestine).
The project was donated to the Planet Bethlehem Archive by Katrina's granddaughter, Kathy Sa'ade Kenny. It consists of a mixture of photographs, recorded interviews (audio) and letters. Many of the materials relate to the turbulent period Katrina spent in Palestine during 1933-34 where she became involved in a bitter dispute with her husband's family.
The project is divided into 11 collections (click on the links below to explore each collection): .
1. Afana family
2. Farhat family
3. Kathy Sa'ade Kenny research
4. Kabande family
5. Katrina and her children
6. Katrina portraits
7. Old records
8. Ramallah Farhat Basel house
9. Sa'ade family
10.Oral history
11. Katrina Sa'ade letters
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