University of Sussex

Language, communication and culture

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The acceleration of low-carbon transitions: insights, concepts, challenges, and new directions for research

journal contribution posted on 2025-02-14

Asking vs. listening: A comparative analysis of focus groups and text mining customer online reviews

conference contribution posted on 2025-01-29

“¿Otra vez con fame? ¡Menudo llambión!”: an approximation to linguistic attitudes in Asturias

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-14

Uncovering minoritized voices: The linguistic landscape of Mieres, Asturies

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-09

Language contact, identity building and attitudes towards the use of a minoritized language in the public space

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-09

Dude, obvio, ho!: A cross-linguistic pragmatic account of Asturian Spanish Ho and American English Dude

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-09

Transmigrant identities and attitudes: the case of a Pangasinan-American family

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-09


book posted on 2025-01-08

Saints and witnesses: Virtue and vocation in the memorialization of the Western conflict journalist

journal contribution posted on 2025-01-08


chapter posted on 2024-12-13

Acculturation in lockdown: the effects of heritage and settlement COVID-19 concern and support on well-being

journal contribution posted on 2024-12-09


journal contribution posted on 2024-11-14